Each class I have, I also have my own room for, finally I have the keys for those too. I am the key master, see. I have all the keys.
I took a whole class the other day, the teacher sat and watched, assisting every so often.. At the end she said she liked what I did so that was fun. Success. I only have 9 hours next week, I have 15 hours on week then 9 the week after etc etc etc, so next week should be more laid back which I am looking forward to. I’m still planning lots of stuff but it will get easier soon I guess. Need to keep taking notes of their levels and stuff.
I did a lot of taking half the class into my own room on Friday. I had this one group and they were REALLY good. They asked loads of questions and did the tasks I asked of them and listened to me so that’s fun. I have them every two weeks.. One half for one hour then the other half the hour after. Will think of something more chanellenging to do with them.
I went to a party on Friday night in Metz with some of the other assistants. I was SO tired though because I’ve been getting up at 6ish for classes and not finishing until 6... Then having lessons to plan. Thurdsays and Fridays are my busiest days.
England won France last night! Woo all the kids kept asking me ‘who do you think will win?’ and when I asked them, they all said ‘FRANCE’. ha. No.
It’s Sunday now, I have some work to do for some lessons then tomorrow go and print them out and make copies. I need to plan some kind of lesson on the FBI or something.. Ha.
Oh, I keep having the most amazing dreams. Well really scary but they are like full lengh movies. I had this one yesterday about living with this woman and she was going to kill me and then eat me and I knew but I couldn’t get away, and I had a plan to escape and it was going to work so it was okay. It was the longest dream ever will all the details and exciting and stuff. Fun.
2 commentaires:
Were you living in a gingerbread house in this dream?
yeah, lesson planning seems to take forever, and each class is at a slightly different level, so i can't even reuse the same one over and over!
oh i'm with societe generale. thought they'd be ok, but now am changing my mind.
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