vendredi 19 octobre 2007

France part 6

OK so, last Sunday was SO cold! The radiators hadn’t been turned on and it was actually colder in our apartment than outside! I laid in bed all day on my laptop unable to move. It was slighty distressing. But any excuse to be lazy is welcome I guess. Woo for that?

On Monday morning I went into town to get some warmer clothes - only to find all the shops shut. Yes, the French like to close a lot. Monday mornings. All day Sunday. Everyday between 12 - 2 for a two hour dinner break.. Nothing is open on Wednesday nights either. It makes me miss tesco and its 24 hour-ness!

I got Trouble over Tokyo’s new CD which makes me really happy =) Another woo. ! ! !

Oh, the picture is me and some of the assistants I have met with a few times. Fun.

Lessons on Monday and Tuesday were ok, I worked with two students at a time mostly, going through texts and answering questions.. Also doing some conversational work.

Thursday was my busiest day, I had 5 lessons. The first one I had to take the whole class while the teacher watched, it was about Inspector Gadget. The most annoying thing is when you ask the kids if they understand.. And nobody answers. So you ask again, and nobody answers, then you ask again and say ‘yes or no?’ and they say yes.. Then you ask them if they understand a certain word and they so ‘no’. Ha. What I had done was a little hard for them, so next time I’ll do something a little easier.. These kids need more pictures/fun activities rather than long texts to get them hyped up. I will remember that. Pesky kids.

The next class was the BTS.. Older kids between 18 - 21.. I hadn’t worked with them before and had to take 3 of them away and they had a text that the teacher gave me, I’d not seen it before so I made them read it out and then I asked them to present it to me, asked some questions and we discussed it, then I got them to ask me questions about myself then they presented themselves.. Same with another class in the afternoon. They are nice kids when you have them in small groups and can actually interact with them better!

The another lesson where I took half.. We worked on a text on technology type stuff (it is a technical school)… it was a little boring I think, I need to think of something to get them talking more and discussing things! Hopefully next lesson can be more fun now I know what to expect.

Also experience my first strike since being here.. Well, I’ve not really experienced it because I’ve not needed to be on the train on Thursday.. But I was on france while there was a strike on which is practically the same thing I guess. I’m living history here, are you really jealous?

I only have next week left, then I have a week off! Gotta love school holidays, maybe off to Paris, maybe Luxembourg or Germany.. We’ll see how I am for money. Feel free to donate. I have a paypal account ;)

Tonight I am going to meet Liam at the station, then we are going to hit up some pubs in St Avold.. Then tomorrow hopefully we are staying in a hotel with some other assistants in Metz to watch the Rugby. Good times. I’ll take pictures. GO ENGLAND!

Ok bye the end.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I'm so happy for the holidays as well. And methinks I'm going to be spending my next three months salary on warm clothes, I am freezing! Luckily the schools are really well heated but it's outside thats the killer!

Liam Garrett a dit…

we never did go to any bars in St.AVold... wtf^^